domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015


The cycle of my blog has come to an end, I hope that it has helped high schools students look for ways to solve problems that can affect their lives as a college student. I also hope that students like me can reflect on the situations that I have gone through and that maybe at some point could use it as a guide from experience.

Each theme presented had a purpose. Each one presented a different situation with difficulties, some complications and a solution. In some cases the themes could present some type of costume that hid the truth, but others were cruel experiences of life that I had to live through.    

I liked to emphasize my hopes that my experiences can be used as an example and support for teenagers who go through or who will go through situations similar to mine.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015


One world, one life for every living thing that inhabits it. Will become of us if we destroy the only place  where we live? Live, but lifeless. The world, our home, destroyed by it’s own guests, helpless and in agony. The world, my world and your world, different worlds between them.
Mine, one distant and complex that only the Lord understands. Many things happen in my little world sometimes influenced by the outside world. Many things happen, some of these out of reach. If you are wondering how the world I had an impact on my high school and university life,  well I will tell you many events occurred. You might sometimes think the world conspires against you just ast it happened to me. In university life this  happens.  You think everything  falls upon your shoulders and you become desperarte.   But something is very important, never to lose your temper. Cry if you have to cry and then start working step by step, one job at a time. I guarantee that everything will improve and you will feel much better.
The world is an amazing place and even more when you can claim your own.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015


Something I consider very important and fundamental for life and personal is progress and socially as education. All problems could be solved with an excellent education. Education is the base of everything, the good life of prosperity and carefree. Through this the leaders of our society and country with the help the teachers who are an essential part in the development of an appropriate education are forged.
From my perspective the education of Puerto Rico is in a state of deterioration in a couple of years ago. I will concentrate on talking about the education I received during the years before entering university life.

I received an excellent education despite the deficiency in materials and structure of my elementary school. Teachers as those who transcended the 20th century, where the teaching method dictated themselves, and are not present. There is now a resounding fear of teaching where teachers must have a resounding careful in how they target, interact and teach students. Before if you gave a lecture in the middle class or "cocotazo" it was normal. My experience in middle and high school was devastating for me. And for the moment there was a sense of teaching by giving them. The problem with the education department things even more difficult to close, merge and delete teaching posts and schools. Already at this point public school lost its purpose of teaching and refocused on lawsuits between faculties. Education undoubtedly was greatly affected as having a mix of students and teachers temperament and predilections were perceived.
It is in high school where I got gaps slowly filling with great difficulty. I must say that if one is overcoming do everything possible to educate and not have the proper tools. There should stop saying that teachers today should have better pay and they are the ones who educate the children will do in the future, doctors, lawyers, dentists, politicians, etc.

In us it is the excel and the time is now, not tomorrow. Education is the key to success regardless of the method you use.


Today films are cataloged a wide selection of categories. Some of these categories it can be anime, action, horror, tragedy, drama, science fiction, and many more. Sometimes movies are a reflection towards the future, a vision that seems to be unlimited impossible. The science fiction movies in general are not possible or at least appear to be.
This time I selected the film has great impact on genetics as based on the year of publication 1997 these technological advances did not seem possible. Taking as a DNA sequence name, Gattaca was set in a future society where children are conceived in vitro and genetic selection techniques.

Directed by Andrew Niccol and with the participation of Ethan Hawke (Vincent) and Uma Thurman, the film revolves around the life of Vincent, the last child conceived naturally, facing heart problems. Vincent dreams of being able to perform a mission, but he makes it impossible for the condition being treated. Later this poses as a swimmer, paralyzed athlete to help him with deception for it to be sent to the mission at Titan. In the course of the film the project manager is killed so the immediate investigation threatens Vincet plans. Gattaca is considered a cult film and the story has been described as a dystopia transhumanist.

This film I recommend batting and to see the evolution of technology may change. Likewise, the evolution of technology is possible; it is possible for each of us achieve our goals. That is why a certain way I identify with Vincent to see that my greatest desire is distant and difficult to achieve. But something if I'm clear, that nothing is impossible. Again I identify with the actor because like the I had and have many bumps in the courses of my college career doing my performance even harder. I can identify that the support he got what have I also those people closest to me and want to be a good health care professional.

This is my movie, I'm the hero, I have a great deal that are supporting me, and I have a great manager my Lord because we just need to start shooting.

3, 2, 1 Action.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

A Celebrity



Who does not know a celebrity? We all know at least one even if we don’t know what he dedicates his life to. These past few decades we have seen how many different artists there are and also the different musical genders that have appeared. They all have one thing in common trying to attract the generation that they are singing to their attention. Many of the artists start young and start out singing pop.




The celebrity I picked is Marc Anthony and his song “Flor Palida” in this song reflects on how he protects that flower. I believe the studies are like that flower. When we study, we must protect and take care of what we want to be so that in the future you can see the results of your hard work.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015


It would seem ironic to say that technology although are a breakthrough for humanity means, are not beneficiary in some ways to education. The impact they have on education is impressive, they can useful but also bad depending on the way it is used.
Our education nowadays compared to several years ago is more bearable. Advances like calculators, dictionaries and computers are very helpful, for example a calculator is a great help that has been invented for math. Currently there are many apps which are helpful for universities. In my case, I'm not very fond of technology because I like the old way, to have the materials, lectures and books that I need and not in my computer. Tablets are now often used as notebooks instead of paper, helping in some way to the environment. On the one hand, is good to study with these technologies facilities because they do help searching for information easier to any student, but it also can be our enemy, it's a distracting source especially the social network.

I think we should have a balance between free time and study time. During college life there is time for everything and the secret to the success is a good management of time. Education is the most important thing because it's what open doors in the future, education is everything and technology, a great help to achieve your goals.


domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015


Sometimes I wonder how my life can get affected by marriage as I'm studying in university. Having to study and maintaining a good marriage. If there's a child, how that would also affect it, all the duties and responsibilities that would join on the roles of a student.

Marriage is a sacrament that unites two people by committing themselves to live according to the requirements of the church. So it is the union of two people by certain rites or legal formalities. However I think marriage should be performed after having completed your studies. It's believed that marriage drastically reduces time and if you're studying, it will make it more difficult to organize your time and study. But studying means you have to concentrate and focus only on study and because of this it will affect your relationship.
Your priorities changes, having new responsibilities and duties too. You need to work to maintain a household, make payments and go for shopping. You'll also need to grow up, don't think that studying and working at the same time is easy. Nowadays students need to work to pay for their school so a marriage would only complicate more the situation. And if you have a child, you know is a big responsibility and need to make decisions that can mark everyone's life.

On the other hand, marriage is two people, so each one can give the other one that support and help them need.

Maybe you can't finish your studies immediately but can later. Nothing is impossible if you put it on your mind, marriage is not a bad thing but it is very serious and you need to be prepared when that time comes. Is difficult and sometimes impossible to have a marriage and having to study at the same time, the secret it is in communicating and understanding your couple and desire to achieve your goals.


Have you ever thought about how cans religion influence college? Or how can you handle the different situations and its impact? Different ideologies and social groups can influence both positively and negatively your studies. Because we use religion to our convenience, you'll see that our faith it is often tested during college.

How can religion influence college?
Religion has always been a delicate subject to talk about, it's important to be open minded when you talk or listen to someone talking about this topic because in college you will meet people and they will test how strong is your faith. Religion is an organized collection of beliefs and cultures that relate humanity to a type of existence.

The theory of Darwin (the origin of species) says that...this theory, because of what it says, is very controversial and sensitive. It causes many students to feel uncomfortable when it is discussed. In college you'll encounter a variety of beliefs and not everyone will share your same ideologies so you have to respect that because at the end, we all worship one God but with a different name.

There are different students organizations in every university and among them, a religious one. I personally know two of them, one of the being the "Confra" where the  members are "Pentecostal" and the other one called "Pastoral universitaria" where the members belong to a catholic church. Yet religion serves emotional support and helps us overcome difficult times. It gives us the strength to believe in something though it can seems like everything conspires against us and there's people who are believers but they only ask for help and wait for a miracle to happen when moments are tight.

Is very unfortunate that even in religion exists discrimination, sometimes we tend to reject and prejudiced a person just because their beliefs aren't the same as ours. Studies are extremely important and it's unfair that someone stop studying because they feel discriminated. Faith is the only thing a person can have and no one can't take that away from you, it stays to believe and go on forever.




domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


Death, as this may interfere with the studies? How can you change the outlook of view? How painful it can be for other people? How leading to the loss directly or not? There are many consequences that bring death in this case of a loved one. Difficult to overcome and accept loss.

During the time I lived I had to say goodbye to several beloved beings but there was a recent one which has hurt me a lot. On September 23, 2014 I lost a great friend, classmate in a vehicular accident. From overnight everything changed, there was a complete disconnection to studies. Nothing is the same, with just thinking I had life ahead, a promising future, gives me great sadness, nostalgia. I still spread their joy at the memory. As a result of my disconnection I blur me and did not give the required performance and time to classes. I had a not very good performance in the absence of concentration.

I know my friend is in a better place, but this event changed my perspective view completely. It is amazing how in the blink of an eye life can change, stop. Now I try to be a better person every day of my life, love people around me and did not finish the day with some of them angry. I have an open and fair mind, where before making any attempt to analyze future decision possible consequences. Always thinking of the closest to me and the people who love me.

No doubt any loss whether familiar or not, somewhat painful. Because at least at some point one individual feels empathy is put in the place of that person who is suffering and tries to pretend that pain because you never know when it will touch closely. The pain of a loss due to an unexpected death is not easy to cure; it takes and never heals completely. Life is over and you must understand that the Almighty has a plan for each of us and we must respect their decisions. Living day to day and do good without looking at whom to be happy.

We know that does not charge that can support not only ask him strength to all who suffer this loss and not forsake us. Everything in life is possible with faith. It is what gives me the strength and motivation to continue my studies and future plans to achieve that I have. It only remains to say no collapse for any situation that occurs in their lives. It is always important to seek help as I did to move forward and not look back for the world.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015


Hi, thanks for visiting my blog again. This week I will be speaking to about the emotional wars that a student will face at the end of their fourth year and the beginning of college life. This stage is critical because it’s where decisions take a great impact for several years.

During my high school years of high school I had made  the decision to study in the health field. . Thanks to a lecture given at school and my initiative I was able to participate in a program in the Central Caribbean University about careers in health. To contact them got a pass for me and several of my fellow students. These activities were very rewarding and I made the most of the activities.  I got another contact and it opened the doors for me in the Academy of Medical Directors of Puerto Rico.

These decisions were not easy to make and came with many implications. Every email, call to it was with fear because I did not know what would be there response.  Answer  in which today I have no regrets. Thanks to these decisions today I am science student.

Not everything was for the best; this new era brought many changes in my life. At this stage where the war of inner emotions begins looking for who you really are. Thank God during this difficult time which some choose to surrender, I had the support of my parents and sisters at all times. I also received   counseling and psychology services at the university where I study which helped me find my inner self and helped me adjust to university life.

I hope this experience will help other people. I want them to know that in life you need support and help so they can understand what you are going through. Life is just one and there are always emotional wars but you are the one that has the decision in your hands to see who wins. 

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015



As I mentioned before I will be expressing my experiences through weekly post with different themes, which I hope will help those people who have not yet reached this stage of their lives, to serve them as examples and experience. This week I will talk about my happiness in high school and its impact in university. Happiness, what is happiness? Perhaps for many people happiness is something mainly material such as money and luxuries, but for others like me happiness can be represented in the act of helping others, it makes me feel good, be helpful no matter who. For me happiness does not come because of the material that you have or want, but you need to live and do well. Happiness comes to me, when I am a leader, I also help in organizing events for people with simple gestures of cordiality, make others feel good. A good morning or a smile to cause me instant happiness to be able to perceive the change in the faces of others.

Sometimes I actually think what I do is not happiness but it is an escape for not being in my home and to face family conflicts. Moreover happiness from my perspective as I had already mentioned is the gesture of doing well to others, to cause you got to be happy to others. The happiness I found during my school years, in this case higher, taking up all my free time in different groups as it was in the school newspaper, presentations of plays also finding solutions to certain issues on the School Board and convey joy through music, etc. In performing these activities I forget all my problems and only focus the moment for me to realize what I do correctly. It's like being stopped to be someone else, that person you have unconditionally. By doing what I love I feel happy, happy, motivated, and that's what makes me want to move forward. An inexplicable feeling.

            Happiness as I defined it made me want to be part of something. I am inspired to belong to the school newspaper where we reported important events that happened at school. Enter the theater group where I did work behind racks and it was not until my senior year I discovered that I had charisma in action which caused me even more happiness. In my years as a student I entered the municipal school band bringing joy during each concert and presentation. See the astonishment of the people to hear the songs, make them remember and relive moments of their lives and at the same time they pay you up and applause we give away is priceless. Community service in my community with the youth was not easy, but rewarding. With them I could perform various activities in which they are glad the lives of many people in the community.

Looking from another point of view the fact of using these and other activities as an escape route to clear my mind no doubt I was served upon entering college and to continue doing what I like. My experience in the school band opened doors to ask the college band, which conducted semiannually concert overflowing with joy to people. Serve as an alliance between the students, the board and management of the institution where I study. Performing such an act, personally makes me feel happy because I think I'm helping my other fellow students. In addition there is always opportunity to perform community service giving the opportunity to anyone who wishes to make such a gesture of kindness possible.
Who I mean after all, that in life there is time for everything. It is important to enjoy every step to the maximum, but with prudence and balance, take advantage of every opportunity you thought to grow as an individual personally and commonly. My experience was a rewarding but dry. Dry by lack of solid friendships, because the simple fact that everyone knows who you are and respect does not mean at all that you are friends. Perhaps leave with many questions and that is why I invite you to continue reading my post every week hoping to clarify any doubts you may have.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Introduction Week

Welcome to my Blog “My experience of high school and their impact on my college life”. My name is Carlos M. Otero and I live in Cidra, Puerto Rico. I study Natural Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico of Cayey. I am 20 year old, and I like to help people.

    This blog is created with the purpose of explaining some personal experiences of my high school years and explaining how they impact my college life. The first stage of this blog will have 10 weeks, each with different themes associated with my life experiences. With every post I publish, I guarantee that you will get to know me better, in those periods of my life.