domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015


Death, as this may interfere with the studies? How can you change the outlook of view? How painful it can be for other people? How leading to the loss directly or not? There are many consequences that bring death in this case of a loved one. Difficult to overcome and accept loss.

During the time I lived I had to say goodbye to several beloved beings but there was a recent one which has hurt me a lot. On September 23, 2014 I lost a great friend, classmate in a vehicular accident. From overnight everything changed, there was a complete disconnection to studies. Nothing is the same, with just thinking I had life ahead, a promising future, gives me great sadness, nostalgia. I still spread their joy at the memory. As a result of my disconnection I blur me and did not give the required performance and time to classes. I had a not very good performance in the absence of concentration.

I know my friend is in a better place, but this event changed my perspective view completely. It is amazing how in the blink of an eye life can change, stop. Now I try to be a better person every day of my life, love people around me and did not finish the day with some of them angry. I have an open and fair mind, where before making any attempt to analyze future decision possible consequences. Always thinking of the closest to me and the people who love me.

No doubt any loss whether familiar or not, somewhat painful. Because at least at some point one individual feels empathy is put in the place of that person who is suffering and tries to pretend that pain because you never know when it will touch closely. The pain of a loss due to an unexpected death is not easy to cure; it takes and never heals completely. Life is over and you must understand that the Almighty has a plan for each of us and we must respect their decisions. Living day to day and do good without looking at whom to be happy.

We know that does not charge that can support not only ask him strength to all who suffer this loss and not forsake us. Everything in life is possible with faith. It is what gives me the strength and motivation to continue my studies and future plans to achieve that I have. It only remains to say no collapse for any situation that occurs in their lives. It is always important to seek help as I did to move forward and not look back for the world.

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