domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015


Something I consider very important and fundamental for life and personal is progress and socially as education. All problems could be solved with an excellent education. Education is the base of everything, the good life of prosperity and carefree. Through this the leaders of our society and country with the help the teachers who are an essential part in the development of an appropriate education are forged.
From my perspective the education of Puerto Rico is in a state of deterioration in a couple of years ago. I will concentrate on talking about the education I received during the years before entering university life.

I received an excellent education despite the deficiency in materials and structure of my elementary school. Teachers as those who transcended the 20th century, where the teaching method dictated themselves, and are not present. There is now a resounding fear of teaching where teachers must have a resounding careful in how they target, interact and teach students. Before if you gave a lecture in the middle class or "cocotazo" it was normal. My experience in middle and high school was devastating for me. And for the moment there was a sense of teaching by giving them. The problem with the education department things even more difficult to close, merge and delete teaching posts and schools. Already at this point public school lost its purpose of teaching and refocused on lawsuits between faculties. Education undoubtedly was greatly affected as having a mix of students and teachers temperament and predilections were perceived.
It is in high school where I got gaps slowly filling with great difficulty. I must say that if one is overcoming do everything possible to educate and not have the proper tools. There should stop saying that teachers today should have better pay and they are the ones who educate the children will do in the future, doctors, lawyers, dentists, politicians, etc.

In us it is the excel and the time is now, not tomorrow. Education is the key to success regardless of the method you use.

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